How has breastfeeding been going? Are you in any pain?
Are you concerned about your baby, your partner, or yourself?
Do you have questions about breastfeeding or your milk supply?
Are you confused by your baby's behaviour?
What's been going on? What's on your mind?
Have you been having trouble sleeping?
We will respond to your message as soon as we can and help you get through this challenging time. Hang in there! You are not alone.
Map & Directions to Aurora Clinic
We are nested in the Midwives of York Region Clinic in the beautiful Aurora Medical & Dental Professional Building
Aurora Clinic Address:
372 Hollandview Trail #303,
Aurora, ON L4G 0A5
Conveniently located on the corner of
McMaster Ave. & Hollandview Trail
Main intersection: Bayview (34) & St. John's Side Road (26)